You Can Join The TSE Plantinum Collector's Club Today!
(For Serious Sports Memorabilia Collectors & Investors Only)

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Simply enter your Name and Email below, and click the "Sign Me Up!" button to join the TSE Platinum Collector's Club Today!

What's in it for YOU:

  • For the SERIOUS Collectors of and INVESTORS in rare and hard-to-acquire pieces of sports memorabilia.
  • We will create and provide "First in Line" opportunities to obtain rare sports memorabilia collectables with HUGE "Bang for the Buck" upside. GUARANTEED.
  • We will offer to YOU "Genesis" level opportunities! What this means is, you will be given an Exclusive chance to obtain rare pieces of memorabilia as SOON AS THEY ARE CREATED at TODAY'S VALUE. Why wait 4-5 years and potentially pay 4-5 times as much? To an avid collector - that makes absolutely no sense.
  • What we ARE: We are Professional Sports Memorabilia Curators (PSMC). We mean business and at our core we are as professional and as authentic as it gets. We understand that in order to BE THE BEST, we must only WORK WITH THE BEST which in turn allows us to OFFER THE BEST!
  • What we ARE NOT: We are not a Sports Memorabilia "Dealer" that sells stuff that is usually obtained on a whim at an autograph event two or three layers removed from the Sports Icon themselves.
  • NO ONE ELSE IN OUR INDUSTRY IS TAKING THIS APPROACH , with this much care and with this much effort! It's unheard of! We are very PROUD of that and if you decide to join the TSE Platinum Collector's Club, we will be just as proud to have you along for the ride with us.
  • Sign Up Now!

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About Total Sports Enterprises

  • Total Sports Enteprises is the Exclusive Memorabilia company of Hines Ward, Mike Wallace, Rocky Bleier, Franco Harris, and Lawrence Timmons. We have Exclusive One of a Kind Autographed Items from Troy Polamalu, Jerome Bettis, Antonio Brown, Ben Roethlisberger and many others.